Tuesday 30 March 2010

Pyrography might be my new obsession

You know I never ever really blog about anyone else's work apart from my own on this blog, but this girl has inspired me so much with her beautiful pyrography work that I thought I'd mention her on here. Her name is Genevieve Dionne and she lives and works in Vancouver in Canada.

Her work was featured in the most recent book I bought called 'Illustration Play'. In the book she says that: "My drawing style has always been very linear. When I saw a woodburning tool at a craft supply store I realized how lovely it would be to actually burn the line into the surface. I quickly fell in love with the colour and quality of the line, as well as the cozy smell of toasting wood."

Genevieve doesn't have her own website yet, but you can check her out on flickr. I find it quite peculiar that I haven't heard of her before now considering how talented she is, but I bet you she'll be well known in a couple of years.

Anyway, I love the style of her work so much that I decided to buy myself one of these:

For those of you who don't know what this is: it is a pyrography machine, or a 'wood burning' machine. Pyrography is the traditional art of burning into wood or leather. Both of Genevieve's pieces below were created using this method. Aren't they beautiful?

I will probably receive my pyrography machine in a couple of days, so I'll keep you updated about how it goes and if wood burning is anything for me! Thanks for the inspiration Genevieve!

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