Tuesday, 11 May 2010


During these last weeks I have been working on my self initiated final project based around the word 'obsession'. I have been researching serial killers and read about their obsession with murder, their crimes, their nature, and their tragic childhoods. I developed a whole bunch of collages inspired by all the things I read about, and here they are. I have now transferred 6 of these collages onto wooden boards using Lazertran paper, and I will post some images of them after I have had my crit on thursday.


  1. Likte spesielt godt bildet med "the evil mind" og den røde sirkelen i den gravide magen. Du e veldig kreativ og talentfull, Victoria. Blir ikkje overraska hvis du en dag har egne utstillinger på MoMA! (Museum of Modern Art i NY)

  2. Dritbra.. Like godt stilen din Victoria :) Du e dyktig!

  3. I love how the second one is like a pyramid of cards that looks like it could fall at any second and also a dunces hat. One of my favs for sure!

  4. seriously you are GOD at this style!!! :p
